i know, i know... its been a while since ive 'blogged' per se. ah well, consider this my official return from my hiatus.
well, as you can imagine, a lot has happened in the four months since my last update. first of all, i graduated college. that last semester was the hardest one EVER (hence the lack of blogging), so who ever said, 'senior year is the easiest' must have been a comm major, cause my shit was HARD. and now that im in the catergory of 'college graduate', i have entered the rat-race for entry level emplyoment. and it sucks. millions of ppl just like me are applying for the exact same jobs i am. you need experience to get a job, but cant get any experience unless you manage to get a job. its the catch-22 thats ruling my life. its frustrating beyond belief. and to make matters worse, my extremely part time job has recently been deleted from my daily routine. so i am up to my eyeballs in unemployment. no i didnt get fired (i dont get fired), the store in which i work has closed its doors with no notice. needless to say, i have been spicing up my resume and its now ready for immediate (and widespread) dispersal.
so, here i am: graduated, jobless, and STILL in california pennsylvania. what the hell am i still doing in this town you ask? good freaking question. since the job market in pennsylvania is 'oulook: not so good' (says my magic 8 ball), i have focused my energies elsewhere. i dont know for sure where im headed, but i have a few amorous prospects.
i think my real problem lies with my free schedule. i have had full time classes every single summer since i started college. my last summer off was when i graduated high school 4 years ago. now since i have no more classes, AND no (even part time) job, i find myself with a hell of a lot of free time. and for those of you who've read my previous posts, you know that lots of time equals lots of thinking. efficient people would use the over abundance of time to get shit done. i, however, seem to be driving myself crazy. i feel guilty when im just hangin out bc i could be getting my shit done: working on my resume, or studying for the MCATs in August (yes im still doing that). i have a wicked streak of laziness in my blood, and i think my biggest obstacle is trying to overcome my procrastination. meanwhile, the only things this summer was supossed to consist of was 1) find a job & 2) study for the MCATs. so while im actually on schedule, im beating myself up for enjoying my summer. i think i need a new hobby/activity to preoccupy myself. maybe ill take up chess or base jumping or whatever ppl do. any suggestions?
oh yeah, i also moved out of my cute apartment :( even though i have way more room now, my apt was home for the past 3 years and i was (and still am) sooo sad to leave it. my awesometacular fabulous roomate moved out a few weeks before our lease was up, so i was there alone in the remaining weeks. thats a bad combination for me: sad and alone. and despite begging and pleading, i was forced to stay by myself for the very last night (still pissed about that).
there is one thing i can say for this whole 'growing up' transition: I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how i react to it. this 'grace period' i have been given is like standing at crossroads. im not lost, i just need directions.
"To be nobody but yourself- in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you like everybody else- means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting." -e.e. cummings
- skew it on the bar-b, outkast
- back home, yellowcard
- big lost, diplo
- gone away, offspring
- shadowboxer, fiona apple